Vanessa’s Leadership Manifesto
I lead with genuine warmth, care, and empathy. I actively create space for emotions and feelings in the workplace and encourage the team to bring their full selves to work. I listen to others with the same passion with which I want to be heard.
I show up with integrity, resilience, and compassion - for myself and others - in the face of fear and failure. In difficult situations and tough conversations, I take care not to armor up but to instead choose abundance and equanimity. I embrace vulnerability not just in words, but also in actions.
I dare to dream of a radically better future for my community, my industry, and the world. I effusively share my vision and values with others - and inspire, motivate and enlist them to actively create that future. I am visionary not just in the business decisions I make for Omsom, but also in how I build a deeply intentional company culture.
I am insightful and thoughtful in my leadership, with a keen eye towards my business goals and a perspective on the future of our industry and culture. I make astute decisions and skillfully communicate to enable my business to flourish and thrive in both the short and long term.
I coach and lead with trust and belief in the team. I appreciate the special power each individual brings and see people as whole and complete. I demonstrate curiosity and an open mind, encouraging divergent opinions. I make it safe to experiment, take thoughtful risks, and fail, so team members can learn from experience.